With so much noise in the world (social media, TV, music, politics etc) it can sometimes be intimidating trying to standout from the crowd. As leaders it is so important that we stay true to our vision despite (cult)ure. When you have a burning desire that you are passionate about you don’t blow out your candle or light to fit in what is amongst you, you take your light and YOU shift the room. Rather you are pivoting in your brand, trying to find out where your brand is going or you are just beginning it is so important that in current times of the world you stay TRUE to YOUR mission. We are 6 months into the year 2023 can you believe that? It feels like just yesterday we were just sitting at home in a world-wide pandemic wondering when we would come out of lockdown. Sometimes as a leader it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulder especially when YOU are the brand but, the important part is that you take time for you, show up for yourself, do that extra nice thing for yourself, spend time ensuring that you are in SYNC with you. Okay? That’s how we are going to begin this journey of writing. LOL. I have to go now and review an episode of #KREATIVERADIO which you should definitely be following on Instagram and TikTok @kreativepod but, I’ll see you right back here new fren and yes I spelled friend “fren” who’s going to check me?
Much love to you from Khalil Kavon